Firstly a HUGE thank you to anyone that bought a spangly new VANS x Ride on Nelly jersey, apparently we sold one in just about every UK county and all over the world too – we’ve gone global! This has also raised such valuable money for CALM. A massive thank you to VANS for making this possible.
PLEASE take a picture of you rocking your jersey on your ride and tag #rideonnelly and @calmzone, we’d love to see how bloomin’ cool you look in them!
When you post the piccy tell us WHY your chosen ride is your favourite, we’d love to hear.
The Full Monty was Nelson’s first ever 100miler and his favourite ever ride. That’s our why… what’s yours?
Also, please if possible…Raise A Few Pennies For CALM!!!
Twist your neighbour’s arm, get your kids to hound your mates, ask the cat, sell your old bike….anything is gold dust to CALM right now as they are supporting more people than ever through this challenging time, currently taking many more calls and webchats than usual. By supporting CALM you will be taking a stand against suicide, with all money raised going directly to their frontline services.
Set up your own page now or use CALM’s TDTV event page here:
Here’s a few fun things to get involved with on the day if you fancy. Our amazing event partners have given us some incredible prizes, all listed below and how to enter. Have a bash at one or all, and bag yourself some swag!
Courage Award
For taking on horrible weather, young riders, bravery, injury or overcoming adversity.
PRIZE = VANS Custom design your own shoes
The most compelling ‘My Favourite Ride’ story posted online
The Full Monty 100 miler was Nelson’s first ever 100miles he rode and became his favourite route.
PRIZE = VANS Custom design your own shoes & Mizu voucher
Most brownies baked for the day
For friends and family, from Edie’s recipe!
PRIZE = TSA voucher
Award for the best picnic lunch
Nelson was all about food so this would make him smile.
PRIZE = TSA voucher
Biggest milage on the day
Get pedalling and go long!
PRIZE = TSA voucher & Farr Vintners wine case
Most elevation on the day
Hit those hills, it’s time to get high!
PRIZE = V4 Velo prize
Special family award
i.e. Youngest rider, biggest family, most family miles
PRIZE = VANS Custom design your own shoes & Mizu code & Farr Vintners wine case
Global Megastar Award!
The best image & ride from an international rider.
PRIZE = TSA voucher & Mizu voucher
Worst mechanical & the most punctures
In honour of our incredible mechanic Gary Harris and Hampshire flint that wreaks havoc!