We hope this finds you in fine fettle and enjoying this wondrous weather Mother Nature has been lavishing us with, great times to be a bike rider hey.
Firstly apologies for the long radio silence since our last chat in January when we announced a breather this year after 10 years of Tour de Test Valley. The hugest thanks again for all your support over those brilliant years, as we’ve always said this event would be nothing without you guys. We will be back in 2024 better than ever, bring it on.
So in the meantime – having got our little noggins together with CALM & friends, and dusted off our trusted two-wheeled chariots for inspiration, we’ve come up with a couple of exciting things we’d love to tell you. (at least we think they are exciting!)
First things first, we are 100% putting on a virtual ‘DIY’ Nelson’s Tour de Test Valley on the weekend of September 16 & 17th. We would absolutely love it if you’d join us and hundreds of other riders hitting the tarmac (or gravel, mud, sand, turbo!) in honour of Nelson and to raise such needed funds for CALM. All details below on how to register and stay in the loop.
We will of course be trying to capture some of the buzz of event day, sending out favourites like Edie’s lip smacking brownie recipe (Edie even left a load out for riders who rode in 2020, no doubt she will again!), and offering up some prizes and incentives from our wonderful sponsors like Vans, Mizu, TSA, Farr Vintners wine, and more fun stuff.
When we were forced to do this due to the c-bomb back in 2020 it turned out to be one of the most powerful and emotional moments for us since starting the event, with people from nearly every corner of the globe riding, wearing a Nelly jersey with pride, and sharing their stories, including us riding the 100 with Nelson’s bro Chris. From Isle of Skye to Cornwall, Lisbon to California, it was a very special moment and raised an incredible £25,000.
NEW 2023 JERSEY COMING SOON – Ride on Nelly x Schoph
We are also SO excited to say we have teamed up with long standing supporter of the event and one of Nelson’s dearest friends, esteemed artist Schoph – to design a very special 2023 jersey. The design will be released in next few weeks so keep eyes out, we will only be producing a limited number so you’ll have to be quick. ‘Be lucky’ as Schoph famously likes to say!
Being blunt right now this type of awareness and fundraising (like buying a jersey) is more vital for CALM than it has ever been. People are really struggling, that’s no bullshit tag line, it’s the absolute brutal truth. Forgive us but the stats below are worth taking in, and in no way are they over egged.
The CALM helpline answered over 160,000 calls for help last year and directly prevented hundreds of suicides. But they are struggling to meet the rocketing demand.
• CALM now receive a staggering 25,000+ calls for help per month
• That’s 94% more contacts than pre-pandemic levels
• Helpline calls have increased in complexity and length
We urgently need funding towards our primary service; our national, life-saving helpline, so we can be there for everyone who needs us.
The cost-of-living crisis has led to a dip in our income at a time when it is needed most. Any shortfall in funding means we will be forced to spend reserves, which could lead to reduced provision of services in the future, which is a situation we have to avoid.
There’s two really important easy things we’d love you to do right now to help us…
1. Register your details below
This isn’t so we can sell you windows – it’s so we can send you fun stuff like prizes to be won, goodies up for grabs from our amazing sponsors like Vans, and any other news that’s worthwhile for your beady eyes. Sounds daft to say but of course it’s FREE to ride on the day!
2. Set up a TDTV Virtual JustGiving page
We are aiming for everyone of us who rides to raise £100, we know it’s a massive ask right now when a loaf of bread is twenty six quid, but CALM and people in strife need it so much. Our target this year is £20,000 – together we can nail this we know.

“I’m so small,” said the mole. “Yes”, said the boy, “but you make a huge difference.”
I think we’ve taken up enough of your time when you could have been on your bike and getting a tan. Just one more line to say we’re going to miss you so much this year, but this is such a powerful way of us all joining together, sharing some stories, sparking conversations, helping one another and ultimately helping CALM save lives.
We do have ONE more very exciting announcement we’ll tell you about in next few weeks – a special one off London event hosted at VANS in Covent Garden, honouring Nelson and 10 years of his event and you guys. This will be ticketed, a first come, first serve, with loads of cool stuff planned. Info to come down the pipe very soon.
Thanks so much for reading all this prattle!
Ride you favourite ride, ride alone, ride with mates, ride with us.