Secure your place
Online entry is via British Cycling’s secure website.
Raise a little, make a big difference!
Male suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45 right now. Crazy. On average, in the UK, 12 men a day take their own life. By raising just £96 you could help answer 12 potentially life-saving calls. Imagine if everyone cycling this year did that, what an impact we could have!
Follow this link to set your online fundraising page up, then get bribing friends and family to dig deep and sponsor your legs to keep them pedals whirring.
Any questions on entry please feel free to email us

Terms and Conditions:
By entering Nelson’s Tour de Test Valley Sportive, riders are agreeing to the following terms & conditions:
• Helmets are compulsory for the duration of the event. No helmet, no ride we are afraid to say.
• The use of earphones for the purposes of playing music whilst riding is strongly discouraged.
• Triathlon bars and/or extensions are discouraged. Where riders do have them, do not use them while riding in groups for safety reasons.
• Rider must carry a form of ID which shows their name, address and emergency contact details.
• Riders must obey the Highway Code at all times and ride in a manner which is safe for themselves and others.
• Nelson’s Tour de Test Valley is not a race and shouldn’t be considered as such.
• Riders are expected to make sure their own bike is safe and roadworthy.
• Riders should carry money, a mobile phone and emergency spares where possible.
• Organisers reserve the right to change the published route if necessary.
• Riders participate in this event at their own risk. It is their responsibility to deal with hazards on the road.
• No liability whatsoever shall attach to the organiser/promoter, landlord of the HQ, event sponsors, or any event helper/marshal or official in respect of any injury, loss or damage suffered by riders in or by reason of the event, unless such injury, loss or damage is proven to be caused by the negligence of the aforementioned.
• Entries cannot be transferred.